Battle of The Alamo Reenactments In England, June 24-25, 2017

Alamo Church San Antonio
Alamo Church San Antonio

Introduction: Ned Huthmacher fills us in on the Remember the Alamo reenactment!

This June, despite dodgy weather and supply problems that required a great deal of improvisation, hundreds of reenactors gathered to remember the Alamo amidst the green and pleasant surroundings of western England.

Battle of The Alamo Reenactments In England, June 24-25, 2017.

In spite of questionable weather, the “Remember The Alamo” battle reenactment
at Weston Park in Weston Under Lizzard in Staffordshire, England went off
splendidly. Hats off to organizers Jeni Pearce, Paul Barrass and Terence Boniface
for managing to draw together nearly a thousand participants, build an Alamo, set
up a huge reenactor camp and pull off the largest Alamo reenactment in history. The
reenactors worked together like one big family and it was a pleasure to be among
them for four nights of camping and breeze-shooting.

Familiar names in the reenactor camp include, Jerry Laing, Alby Carraza, Bob Mahoney,
Russell and Dawn Bourne, and Ned Huthmacher. Folks who showed up to witness the
event include Mo, Gill, & Charlotte Jones, and Alan Payne.

The expected rain for the Saturday reenactment dissipated early, but the skies remained
cloudy during the battle and added to the atmosphere. The trained volleys, the sharply
executed troop movements and pyrotechnics made the battle seem very realistic. The
numbers of Mexican troops in the field made it downright scary.

The rain that came near the end of Sunday’s afternoon reenactment did not dampen the
enthusiasm of the reenactors who put on a great show. It was as though Saturday‘s battle
had been a mere rehearsal for this time all the stops were pulled out with an artillery duel,
non-stop musket and rifle barrages and twice the pyrotechnics of Saturday’s battle.

Afterwards, the Texians and Mexicans saluted each other with a 300 plus gun salute.

The battle being a “one off” for these UK reenactors, the reader may wonder what they
are going to do with all those Texian impressions and carefully put together Mexican
uniforms. But the reader need wonder no more. Just think “San Jacinto” for 2019 and then Come on over this time.

2 Replies to “Battle of The Alamo Reenactments In England, June 24-25, 2017”

  1. Very nicely written article about the battle of The Alamo.
    I took part & Ned is absolutely correct when he says the Saturday battle was like a rehearsal for the fiery feud that took place on Sunday.
    Such a splendid fighting battle experience I have not enjoyed since the glory days of 20 years or so ago.
    Well done to all the organisers & participants.
    Looking forward to the next one.
    Thank you for the article Ned.
    Sam Hindle
    White’s Company

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