Sabres and Smoke: The War of 1812.

Last week an email popped into my inbox, and I’m really excited to share it with you. I really loved playing strategy games when I was a kid, anyone out there remember Sharpe’s Attack? It was pretty much Stratego (another sweet game), but it was awesome! Another great one I remember was called Lionheart, made by the makers of the classic game risk. For myself I still love these types of games, so when the folks at Hand 2 Hand Entertainment showed me their new War of 1812 game I was only to pleased to give them a place in Historyland. As yet I’ve not played the game, hopefully I will be able to review it for you guys in the future when prototype models are available. For now they’d appreciate your time and support. Here is what they have to say:

“Sabres and Smoke: The War of 1812 is a two player board game about the War of 1812, created by Hand 2 Hand Entertainment. From Queenston Heights to Fort York, players can command either the British or American armies in battles that shaped the future of North America. The creators of Sabres and Smoke: The War of 1812 visited battle sites to bring a high degree of historical accuracy to this board game. Each scenario provides a historical summary, giving players an insight into the historical causes and outcomes of each battle. These scenarios also have special rules that are based on historical factors and events that influenced the real life results of these battles. For example, the special rules in Fort York scenario allow the British player to blow up the fort’s powder magazine to inflict damage on nearby units, just as it happened historically in the battle of Fort York.”

“In Sabres and Smoke: The War of 1812, both players command a variety of units on the battlefield, including regulars, militia, Native Warriors, and naval units. Players attack enemy units by rolling battle dice against an enemy unit. The number of battle dice a unit is permitted to roll in an attack is heavily influenced by how the units would have performed in the actual historical battle. For example, Native units attack in hand-to-hand combat with one additional die to reflect their historical skill in melee combat.”

“Sabres and Smoke the War of 1812 will launch on Kickstarter in June. Please visit Hand 2 Hand Entertainment’s website at and follow them on social media to keep up with this game’s development!”

3 Replies to “Sabres and Smoke: The War of 1812.”

  1. Sounds like a great game Josh. Hope you’ll post this on the Forum too, Sarah

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