Versatile Blogger Award 2013.

I am proud to announce that fellow blogger’s think so highly of Historyland that they have nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. It is an honour to be included in a very fun way of promoting the blogs you enjoy. So according to the rules I want to thank Viking Lady Aine (already nominated) for her kind Nomination, and post a link to her excellent blog.

I also cannot thank Gemma Bagshaw enough for nominating me a second time, her fun and informative site is in my list below, “GemmaHist” and I’m sure you all will like it.

Like a good boy I have done what the VBA’s website say’s to do and nominated some of my favourite blogs, (I would have put the suggested 15 but I really don’t know that many people who have blogs, there is one guy out there who put his top 3). In this list you will find the cream of the Historyland Blogroll, for in essence this is a wider extension of it.

As the website say’s if you get nominated then you have been awarded the VBA end of story.

To finish I hereby list 7 inane and yet penetrating things about myself.
1: I am fascinated by History.
2: I love to read.
3: I like to experiment with ways to present History.
4: I like to paint, sketch and draw, mostly historical subjects.
5: I write, sometimes fiction sometimes history.
6: I know a guy who has the key to Atlantis.
7: I have Long Joh Silver’s Treasure Map under my bed,

Or you could just read the About page.


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