The British army in the light of Waterloo.
Veterans of Aliwal 1846-1896
I’ve just found this web page, I suppose that’s the right word? And it’s got photo’s from 1896 the jubilee, so it says with wonderful Victorianity, of the Waterloo of India, Aliwal, were one of Wellington’s most successful Peninsular officers, Sir Harry Smith, showed he at least had learned something about fighting during those years in Spain. Voted 5th Greatest Battle in the 2013 National Army Museum poll.
To be specific they are soldiers of the 16th Lancers who broke the Sikh squares, or rather triangles as the case may be, at the decisive battle during the first Anglo Sikh War. A little know commander, a little known battle and a little known war, -and photo’s of the men who were there, what more could you want?