Amphipolis Roundup.

The mysterious remains of an Alexandrian VIP will undergo laboratory tests to establish gender, age & likely identity.
Excavations on the large, high status tomb at Kasta near Amphipolis in North Eastern Greece has been going on since its discovery in 2012 and its penetration in August 2014. Since then more and more ancient treasures have been unearthed, hinting at who was buried inside.
The world has watched fascinated as the greatest archeological find of the 21st century (so far we hope) unfolds. So far theories of the occupant has ranged from Alexander the Great himself, to his mother, to one of his generals have kept pros and laymen alike guessing. It has been a bumpy ride, and this positive result has not never been assured.
As of 21 October Diggers hit dirt wall after excavating the 3rd Chamber. The subsequent effort to break through and preserve the floor delays the discovery of the Fourth ChAmber. Thus far excavations have cost €600,000 from ministry’s of culture, Macedonia and Thrace.
The discovery of Female headed Sphinx’ “Guarding” the tomb, apart from the high degree of skill and care so far in evidence, confirms this burial is a high profile one. Theories of a Royal inhabitant or at least one of Alexander’s Generals are highly likely.
On the 29th official statements didn’t rule out the discovery of a 4th chamber, but the outlook was dubious.
Then on 3rd November the Daily Mail was reporting a breakthrough. A secret vault had been discovered beneath room 3 reinvigorating the search and bringing back hope of finding the burial chamber.
The excavations made international news once more yesterday after diggers hit the jackpot, finding a grave with skeletal remains still inside, once secured in a now rotted wooden coffin. We now await developments.
Greek Culture Minister Costas Tasoulas has since held a press conference at the Amphipolis Museum on Saturday, November 22, at 1 p.m and Archaeologist Katerina Peristeri has presented the results of the excavation on Saturday Nov 29 at 11 a.m. However on Monday the 17th of November the Greek Culture Ministry has announced that it could take up to 8 months for results of the scientific examination to be presented.

After the considerable excitement the discovery has stirred up the laboratory findings will be eagerly anticipated by the archaeological, historical community. No one wants to commit themselves yet but confidence is high that the scientific analysis will answer questions.

Facts gathered from the Greek Reporter. International business times UK. Daily Mail. BBC. Euro News,

Thought I’d just do a quick tally… As you do.

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